R. Lishman and A. Jones; "Putting the Action into Politics: Embedding Employability in the Academic Curriculum" Paper to the ECPR (European Consortium for Political Research) annual conference (virtual), 24-29 August 2020
“Parish Councils – a real resurgence?” Paper to the PAC (Public Administration Committee) annual conference, University of Northumbria, 17-18 September 2019
Convenor of a panel for the ECPR annual conference, “Teaching Politics and IR to Non-Subject Students”, Wrocław, Poland, 4-7 September 2019
“Teaching Public Affairs – The Cinderella Subject of Journalism ºÚÁÏ´«ËÍÃÅ” Paper to the ECPR annual conference, Wrocław, Poland, 4-7 September 2019, with Tor Clark
Speaker at a Faculty seminar at Liaoning National University, China, entitled “Me and My Teaching” 7 November 2018
“Parish Councils and Councillors: a resurgence in the most local tier of government in England?” Paper to the ECPR annual conference, Hamburg, Germany 22-26 August 2018
“Are we doing them a dis-service? Preparing students to study overseas: a case study of Chinese students and British Culture” Paper to the ECPR annual conference, Hamburg, Germany 22-26 August 2018
“Are we learning from the old? A case study of Welsh local government restructuring” Paper to the European Urban Research Association (EURA) annual conference, Tilburg, Netherlands, 20-23 June 2018
“Restructuring Local Government - It's not just central interference: A case study of Wales” Paper to the ECPR 2017 Annual Conference, Oslo, Norway, 6-9 September, 2017
“What is 'Good Governance'? A Model of 'Good Governance' for restructuring English Local Government” Paper to the EURA 2017 Annual Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 21-24 June, 2017
“Combined Authorities: Urban imperialism or loss of urban identity?” Rachel Wall and Alistair Jones. Paper to the EURA 2017 Annual Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 21-24 June, 2017
"Independent Politics in Wales: Diverse practices but needing a permanent presence” Paper to the EURA 2016 Annual Conference, Torino, Italy, 16-18 June 2016
C.Copus and A.Jones; "Restructuring Welsh Local Government: Lesson-learning from New Zealand", EURA annual conference, "Transforming cities, transformative cities" University of Lucian Braga in Sibiu, Romania, 17-20 September 2015
T. Clark and A.Jones; "Teaching Public Affairs - the Cinderella Subject of Journalism courses", UK Association for Journalism Educational annual conference - The Future of Journalism Education, University of Greenwich, 25-26 June 2015
T. Clark and A.Jones; "Not what they want but what they need - teaching Politics to Journalism students" Student Transitions - the Triad of Understanding Learning and Teaching conference, ºÚÁÏ´«ËÍÃÅ, 3 September 2014
"Junior Ministers: Are they really political eunuchs?", PAC annual conference, Edinburgh, 9-11 September 2013
“Where has all the Public Administration gone?” PAC annual conference, 18-19 July 2012. This won the award for the best paper at the conference