(2017) The welfare state and the Christian response to reform. Nottingham RC Diocesan Justice and Peace Annual Assembly. Derby, November.
(2017) Taxation and the Middle Class - evidence from UK households and the political implications of taxation for welfare, ESPAnet annual conference, Lisbon. September. With D Byrne.
(2017) How ‘public’ authorities keep the public at bay: public engagement with NHS ‘reform’, Dilemmas in Human Services annual conference, LSHTM, London. September
(2016) Privatización en el Sistema Nacional de Salud Británico, XXXIV Congreso de la FADSP -III Jornades de Salut d' ACDESA-PV, Castellón, Spain. November.
(2016) El impacto de la Iniciativa Privada de Financiación en el sector sanitario en el Reino Unido, European Conference in Defence of Public Health, Vigo, Spain. October.
(2016) ‘Public views of fairness and the UK tax system’. Annual conference of the Social Policy Association, Belfast 2016.
(2016) Logros y fracasos de las campanas contra la privatización del Sistema Nacional de Salud en Inglaterra. Keynote Speaker, Annual Conference of FADSP, Santander. February.
(2016) Cuts and closures in the NHS, Health Campaigners Together Conference, London. January.
(2015) Large scale reconfiguration in the NHS: challenging the evidence base, NHS in Crisis conference, London. December.
(2014) The distribution of the UK tax burden 1977-2011/12, Annual Conference of the Social Policy Association, Sheffield. July.
(2013) The political economy of taxation in the 21st century UK. With David Byrne. Annual Conference of the Social Policy Association, Sheffield University. July.
(2013) Exclusion and inequality in the new English health system, Key speaker at a health conference in the national Congress of Deputies, Madrid, at the invitation of Gaspar Llamazares MP. February.
(2013) Costs, cuts and inflexibility in the UK Private Finance Initiative, Key speaker at a conference on health in the Regional Parliamentary, Madrid, at the invitation of the Gaspar Llamazares MP. February.
(2013) The 2012 Health and Social Care Act: the end of the NHS as we know it?, lecture to the Leicester Secular Society. January.
(2012) Key proposals and implications of the 2012 Health and Social Care Act, fringe meeting, UCU national Congress, Manchester, June.
(2011) The NHS: Evolution and current prospects. Workshop series on international health systems for health professionals from Spain and Latin America. Bilbao, Spain.
(2011) Key political institutions in the saga of the NHS reforms Annual Regional conference of Medical Sociology. ºÚÁÏ´«ËÍÃÅ. June.
(2010) Overview of NHS reforms and impact of devolving commissioning responsibilities: some implications for professionals. Health Educators Summit, hosted by UCU. London. November
(2010) The principles of a progressive health policy in a time of change. Invited lecture (funded by European Citizens Foundation). Madrid Complutense University. July.
(2010) Costs in services, finances and inflexibility: The Private Finance Initiative in the UK. Guest lecture (invited and funded) by Ernesto Lluch Foundation. Valencia University, Spain. June.
(2010) Invited participant at roundtable discussion on alternative approaches to health service reform; chaired by Nick Timmins at BMA House, Tavistock Square
(2010) PFI in the UK. Guest speaker - International Chamber, Congress of Deputies, Madrid, at the invitation of the President of the Parliamentary Committee on Health, Social Policy and Consumer Affairs. Funded by European Citizens Foundation.
(2009) Reform and Recommodification: The Modernisation of the National Health Service in England, paper presented at the annual conference of Historical Materialism, School of Oriental and African Studies, London. November. Funded by Historical Materialism.
(2009) Developing an alternative vision of the NHS, presentation at a public meeting of the Northampton Trades Union Council. Northampton. November. Funded by NTUC; attended by trade unionists.
(2009) What can the public sphere offer us?, paper presented at a conference of the Bretton Woods Project: Recovery towards what? Finance, justice, sustainability G20 Finance Ministers’ Alternative Conference. Congress Centre, London. November. Funded by Bretton Woods Project. Attended by international audience of academic teachers and students; development agency personnel.
(2009) Experiencias de las Reformas de los Sistemas Sanitarios en Europa: el Caso de Inglaterra, Invited by conference organisers at a conference of the International Association of Health Policy: Health and the Global Crisis. Ministry of Health, Madrid, September. Funded by conference organisers.
(2009) Save Our Hospital campaigns in England: Why do some hospital campaigns succeed?, paper presented at a conference of the International Association of Health Policy in Europe, Coventry. June. Self-funded and ºÚÁÏ´«ËÍÃÅ funded.
(2009) Health Service Reform in the UK: Developing an Alternative Approach, invited presentation at the House of Commons, London. June. (Funded by Keep Our NHS Public)
(2009) Health Service Reform in England: Consequences and Concerns, presentation to a meeting of the Secular Society, Leicester. April.
(2008) Private Finance Initiative and the hospital sector in the UK. Presentation to trade union conference, Madrid, Spain. November.
(2008) ‘The relevance of Marxism to health policy’, paper presented to the annual conference of the Social Policy Association, Edinburgh. July.
(2008) ‘La Iniciativa de Financiacion Privada (PFI) en el Reino Unido: El impacto sobre los trabajadores sanitarios y la comunidad sanitaria en general’ conference of the Federacion de Asociaciones de la Defensa de La Sanidad Publica, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. March
(2008) ‘Health briefing’, East Midlands National Pensioners Convenstion Regional Parliament, Leicester