2022 |
De Montfort Teacher Fellow
The Teacher Fellowship Scheme was derived to reward excellent teaching and to support the dissemination of best practice, that enables and forwardsinstitutional and faculty learning and teaching strategies. Leading on initiatives that have a profound and lasting impact at all levels of theinstitute. One of only 6 Teacher Fellowships are awarded annually.
2022 |
Race Equality Network Co-Chair
The Race Equality Network was established to facilitate and to promote Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity EDI throughout De Montfort. It is responsiblefor cultivating a culture of respect and belongingness. The Race Equality Networks leads on institutional wide initiatives promoting and celebratingthe diversity that exists within the staff body.
2022 |
Data Analytics Project - Academic Lead
A tremendously successful idea transfer project involving a selected cohort of final year students, tasked with creating and applying Machine Learningsolutions for implementation into supermarket and high-street stores. Owing to my expertise and the optimisation approaches put forward, a £2.5msaving and reduction of wastage was the result. The project will continue each year with new students, providing them with invaluable real-worldexperience.
2022 |
Faculty Academic Committee (FAC) - Elected Member
The FAC is responsible for assuring the quality and standards of the Faculty’s undergraduate and postgraduate taught provision and reports directlyto the Academic Quality Committee (AQC) regarding these matters. Consider & communicate issues of academic direction, strategy and policy forthe Faculty, while maintaining oversight of monitoring and reviewing academic development and approval.
School Governor - Governing Body Member, Inglehurst Junior School, Leicester
The governor role is strategic rather than operational, which involves supporting and challenging the school’s leadership team to drive school improvement.Proactive involvement in the planning of the strategic direction of the school; overseeing the financial performance of the school andensuring funding is well spent.
Peer Assisted Learning Scheme (PALS) - Coordinator & Supervisor SI-PASS Certified, ºÚÁÏ´«ËÍÃÅ
Piloting and leading the PAL scheme within the School of Computer Science and Informatics (CSI), involving current level 5 & 6 students, creatingand presenting sessions to current level 4 students. With the sessions being programme specific covering a variety of different topics with the goalof improving student attainment and engagement. The session leads are able to share their experiences and insight with the attendees. Successfulimplementation will see the programme being rolled out to the additional faculties throughout the institute.
2021 |
Staff Mentor, ºÚÁÏ´«ËÍÃÅ
I am an acting mentor for staff mentees who have requested assistance via De Montfort’s Mentoring Platform. The platform allows mentees to selectpotential mentors based on their strength’s profile to provide for ongoing mentoring support. The support provided is dependant on what thementee would like support regarding.
2021 |
Student Mentor, ºÚÁÏ´«ËÍÃÅ
I am also an acting mentor for student mentees who have requested assistance via De Montfort’s Dare to Mentor platform. Student mentees arepaired with mentors from different faculties and are assigned based on personal strengths which are then aligned with what the mentee would liketo mentored regarding.
2020 |
Student Experience and Engagement (SEE) - Member & Advisory Member, ºÚÁÏ´«ËÍÃÅ
A committee formed in response to areas highlighted within the National Student Survey (NSS) focused on teaching, assessment & organisation ofprogrammes. SEE are involved with working through these challenges at module and programme level to ensure a good learning experience forstudents that promotes engagement and inclusive assessment.
2019 |
Centre for Academic Innovation (CAI) - Member & Advisory Member, ºÚÁÏ´«ËÍÃÅ
This is a group of recognised and responsible experts with a key stake in teaching and learning undertaken within De Montfort and beyond who actas critical friends of CAI. The board meets regularly to critique and support the work of CAI and create and innovate teaching practices and pedagogicapproaches. Involved with the identification, development and dissemination of best teaching practices across the institution.
2019 |
Pedagogic Interest Group (PIG), ºÚÁÏ´«ËÍÃÅ
A committee concerning itself with the Embracing Universal Design for Learning (UDL); pedagogies for different prior learning experiences; pedagogiesto improve classroom engagement and behaviour; and how to better embed entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation within the faculty ofComputing, Engineering& Media (CEM).
2019 |
Teaching & Learning Conference - Faculty Coordinator & Organiser, ºÚÁÏ´«ËÍÃÅ
The conference is a chance for staff at De Montfort to meet and discuss the important issues confronting teachers and students through a wide varietyof forums and perspectives. As the faculty organiser and representative, I sat on the conference panel and decided upon the accepted presentationsand workshops.
2019 |
Machine Learning Project - Academic Lead, ºÚÁÏ´«ËÍÃÅ & Flooid (née PCMS)
A tremendously successful idea transfer project involving a selected cohort of final year students, tasked with creating and applying Machine Learningsolutions for implementation into supermarket and high-street stores. Owing to my expertise and the optimisation approaches put forward, a £2.5msaving and reduction of wastage was the result. The project will continue each year with new students, providing them with invaluable real-worldexperience.
2019 |
Education Leadership Programme, ºÚÁÏ´«ËÍÃÅ - £1,500
Successful acceptance onto the programme, one of only 12 places made available. Focusing on developing and supporting academic colleagues,providing them with the skills and sector experience needed to become future leaders within their departments, and also within the Higher Educationsector, nationally and internationally. Each member is also allocated with a £1,5000 research budget to be utilised accordingly.